Book review

How to Cite

Carolissen, R. (2023). Book review: Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Towards a socially just pedagogy in a global context. Osman, R. & Hornsby, D.J. eds. 2017. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 6(2).


A book that aims to transform teaching and learning towards a socially just pedagogy in South Africa sets itself a formidable task.  It promises hope in a world  easily  bathed  in despair where contemporary global politics highlight deepening inequalities, accompanied by  growing  conservatism of  the  radical  right, and  seemingly  insurmountable  global challenges  such  as forced  migration  and threats  to ecological sustainability.  Resistance through protest  and  advocacy  for  social  responsibility  and  collective  transformation are therefore  not  surprising  and  dominate  contemporary  global  media. Universities  are not immune  to  these conflicts.
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