Towards Overcoming Millennial Classroom Barriers: Reflections from Engineering Students on Blended Teaching and Learning Innovations


Face-to-face approach
Blended learning
Teaching and Learning
Millennial Classroom Barriers
Engineering Students

How to Cite

Bladergroen, M. C., Basson, A., & Blaine, D. (2023). Towards Overcoming Millennial Classroom Barriers: Reflections from Engineering Students on Blended Teaching and Learning Innovations. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 6(1).


A proposition for the use of a blended teaching and learning approach maintains that(a)ease of access  and  flexibility,(b)an increase in  the  degree of  active  learning,  and  (c) an improvement  in  learning experiences  and learning outcomes for  students  are  expected accomplishments to  implementation success. In  this  paper,  we  present  an  analysis  of  how  a blended  teaching  and  learning  approach  influenced  the  experiences  of engineering faculty students.  Our  empirical  analysis  found  that  a  blended  teaching  and  learning  approach  is students’ preferred teaching strategy, and traditional face-to-face teaching strategies alone are no longer sufficient for achieving success with new generation engineering students. Further, we  show  how the  blended  teaching  and  learning  approach  can  enhance  understanding  of engineering knowledge and support students who would otherwise lag behind. We also show how active  support from faculty management enhances the  implementation subtleties and advance  the  development of  a  dynamic  pedagogy. Our  findings  offer  lecturers  important insights into students’ preferences, as well a show lecturers can endorse and design a teaching and learning approach that is agile and adaptable, meeting the challenges of the environment in which they are working, which is similarly in endless flux
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