Higher Education Hauntologies: Living with Ghosts for a Justice-to-Come

How to Cite

Fairchild, N., & Taylor, C. (2023). Higher Education Hauntologies: Living with Ghosts for a Justice-to-Come. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.14426/cristal.v10i1.1857


Higher Education Hauntologies: Living with Ghosts for a Justice-to-Come (2021) (Routledge), Edited by Vivienne Bozalek, Michalinos Zembylas Siddique Motala & Dorothee Hölscher.

Review by Carol A. Taylor, University of Bath, UK, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0914-8461

& Nikki Fairchild, University of Portsmouth, UK,  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8640-2710

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