Karen Barad as Educator: Agential Realism and Education

How to Cite

Du Preez, P. (2023). Karen Barad as Educator: Agential Realism and Education. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.14426/cristal.v11i1.1774


Murris, K. 2022. Karen Barad as Educator: Agential Realism and Education. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Ptd Ltd.

What do the tracing of stories about plastic bricks, the moon, an aquarium, Zuko, a pregnant stingray, Facebook, a stick, ghosts, and many other  kin,  have  in  common?  And,  how  might ‘[a]rticulating  those  stories ...help  “stretch”  our  response-ability  as  educators  to includeallhumans  and  other-than-humans  as  part  of  our  earthly  survival  and  more  just futures’(Murris, 2022:18). And, ‘[w]hat on earth (and beyond) could quantum physics teach educators?’(Murris, 2022:6).

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