Editorial Note


  • Patricia Hayes University of the Western Cape
  • Paolo Israel University of the Western Cape


Editorial, History, South Africa, University of the Western Cape


Our debts to colleagues and institutions are many. Core funding for the workshop, ‘Missing and Missed: The Subject, Politics and Memorialisation’ (27 February–2 March 2018) was provided by a grant from the African Critical Inquiry Programme run in partnership by the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR) at the University of the Western Cape and the Laney Graduate School of Emory University in Atlanta, and supported by donations to the Ivan Karp and Corinne Kratz Fund. The workshop was also supported by the CHR, the Forensic History Project, which was funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Technology /NRF SARChi Chair in Visual History and Theory (Grant No 98911).
Just prior to this, the workshop, ‘Missing Subjects and the Subject of Missingness’ (20–23 February 2018) was jointly convened by the CHR and the Jackman Humanities Institute of the University of Toronto as part of a project on ‘Aesthetic Education: A South–North Dialogue’, which is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Additional funding that supported research and publication of this issue of Kronos was provided by the Remaking Societies, Remaking Persons Forum in the Department of History at UWC and the project on Aesthetic Education at the CHR, both of which are also supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The views expressed here are not attributable to any of our funders.
This issue would not exist without the creative hands of our designer Jenny Sandler, and the attentive and astute copyediting by Mary Ralphs. Warm thanks, too, to Joanne Grace, our managing editor, who coolly directed the flow of articles between copyeditor, designer and authors, and Janine Brandt who oversees the administration and finances of the journal. Finally, our anonymous reviewers, at times working to unreasonable and unforgiving deadlines, continued to provide careful and insightful reviews.
The 2019 special issue, entitled Angola: Nationalist Narratives and Alternative Histories, will focus on the making and unmaking of Angola’s nationalist mythologies. It will track and interrogate nationalist constructions produced through monuments, urban development projects, everyday politics, and official statements. In interrogating national myths, we seek to understand how official narratives are being punctured and unmade. What new versions of ‘the nation’ have been forged since the civil war? Where are these imaginations located? How are Angolans remaking the past? With this specific focus, Kronos will delve into the silences beyond the dominant narratives, investigating how alternative interpretations of the past and the future are being forged.


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Author Biography

Patricia Hayes, University of the Western Cape

Patricia Hayes was born and educated in Zimbabwe. She teaches African history, gender & history, and visual history. Her current research is on political and documentary photography in southern Africa.




How to Cite

Hayes, P. ., & Israel, P. . (2018). Editorial Note. Kronos: Southern African Histories, 44(1). Retrieved from https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/kronos/article/view/656