About the Journal

Kronos: Southern African Histories is an open access journal published annually by the Department of Historical Studies and the Centre for Humanities Research at the University of the Western Cape. It is an accredited South African journal that aims to promote and publicise high quality historical research. The journal encourages comparative research and the work of scholars in allied disciplines, and seeks to break new ground in its integration of visuals and text.

Submission of an article implies that it has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Responsibility for opinions expressed in articles, review articles and book reviews rests solely with individual authors. Authors are referred to the Kronos link from http://humanities.uwc. ac.za for the style guide and instructions regarding copyrighted materials.

Kronos: Southern African Histories is distributed under the Creative Commons License [CC-BY-NC-ND]. Under this license, authors agree to make articles available to users, without permission or fees, for any lawful, non- commercial purpose. Users may read, copy, or re-use published content only if the author(s) and original place of publication are properly cited. Kronos: Southern African Histories provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Copyright of all published material is retained by Kronos: Southern African Histories. Authors may share and distribute their articles on non-commercial websites and repositories.

Should authors wish to republish material already published by Kronos: Southern African Histories, they must provide acknowledgement to the journal with original publication details. Such articles may be re-published no earlier than two years prior to original publishing in Kronos: Southern African Histories.