Rising Violence in Connection with Dam Constructions in the Northern Nile Valley
(This is a Briefing Note produced by the United Nations Mission in Sudan - UNMIS - in June 2007 in Khartoum)
Violence, Dam Constructions, Northern Nile Valley, Khartoum, ConflictAbstract
Background: The construction of two large-scale hydropower dams in the northern Nile valley, Northern State, has led to protests and often violent clashes between local communities and security forces over the past three years. The more advanced project is the Merowe Dam, some 350 km north of Khartoum, which is due to be completed by 2009 and is one of the largest hydropower projects in Africa. The planning stage for another dam in the Kajbar area, some 650 km north of Khartoum, has been completed and construction is due to begin shortly. Both projects will result in the relocation of tens of thousands of people from the fertile Nile valley to other areas.

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