Failures in the Provision of Free Public Basic Education in Ghana
Background To Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE)
Ghana, Public Basic Education, Secondary school, Cuniculum, Educational systemAbstract
Background: In 1992, Ghana returned to constitutional democracy after more than twenty years of military rule under different regimes. the last five years of this period. the educational system underwent a series of major reforms designed to improve access and quality, make the curriculum more relevant to die needs of a developing county, place basic schools under the control official communities, and undo the vestiges of the colonial system of education. The number of years in pre-tertiary education was reduced while the Ordinary and Advanced Level Examinations system was scrapped 1n its place, a 6-3-3 system (6 years primary, 3 years Junior Secondary School and 3 years Senior Secondary School) was introduced to cover pre-tertiary education

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