WritingThreeSixty https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360 <p>WritingThreeSixty is a bi-annual, interdisciplinary journal for research essays and creative works. First launched in 2014 as an initiative of the English department at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), WritingThreeSixty now forms part of the broader community within the Arts Faculty and Humanities at UWC.</p> University of the Western Cape en-US WritingThreeSixty 2708-6119 <p>Copyright is retained by authors.</p> Letter from the editor https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/997 <p>Welcome to the second issue of WritingThreeSixty for 2020. This special issue is centred around the theme of the Covid-19 Lockdown which has affected all of us. After our call for papers in the previous issue, we received a record number of submissions. Interestingly, poetry was overwhelmingly the preferred medium for expressing thoughts on the effects of lockdown. In this issue, you will find a selection of poems, as well as a short story and a research article.<br>This will be my last issue as editor-in-chief; I hand the reins over to Stephanie Williams, our social media manager. I have been with WritingThreeSixty since 2015 and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. I leave knowing that the journal is in very capable hands!<br>Best Wishes,<br>Editor-in-chief<br>Martina van Heerden</p> Martina van Heerden Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 About the journal https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1002 <p>WritingThreeSixty is a bi-annual, interdisciplinary journal for research essays and creative works. First launched in 2014 as an initiative of the English department at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), WritingThreeSixty now forms part of the broader community within the Arts Faculty and Humanities at UWC. This journal maintains the standard of peer review and wishes to provide a platform to develop a culture of publishing among postgraduate and emerging students, as well as established creative artists within UWC and South Africa at large.<br>WritingThreeSixty also forms part of co-curricular graduate culture at UWC that affords students the opportunity to develop professional skills through the voluntary leadership and service positions created through the journal. These positions include the management of the journal and its team, editorial outputs, as well as our digital marketing efforts that are presented through social media and our online website.</p> Martina van Heerden Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Contributors https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1000 <p>Anna Nguyen (Research article)</p> <p>Mia Uys (Short story)</p> <p>Jerome Coetzee (Poetry)</p> <p>Jamie Conway (Poetry)</p> <p>Kirsten Deane (Poetry)</p> <p>Summayyah Koli (Poetry)</p> <p>Aisha Rowbotttom (Poetry)</p> <p>Celine Solomons (Poetry)</p> <p>Tayyibah Tahier (Poetry)</p> Martina van Heerden Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 I learn to smile with my eyes https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1005 Jerome Coetzee Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 It feels like home https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1006 Jerome Coetzee Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Upper Body Strength https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1008 Jamie Conway Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Kaleidoscope https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1012 Jamie Conway Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Upside Down https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1011 Jamie Conway Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Falling https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1010 Jamie Conway Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Pandora’s Box https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1009 jamie Conway Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Wet marks https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1013 Kirsten Deane Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Alone https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1014 Kirsten Deane Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Grey landscapes https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1016 Sumayyah Koli Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Behind closed windows and open curtains https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1015 Sumayyah Koli Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Behind closed windows and open curtains https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1017 Sumayyah Koli Copyright (c) 2020 University of the Western Cape 6 2 The battle on my tongue https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1018 Sumayyah Koli Copyright (c) 2020 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Death, the one certainty in life https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1019 Aisha Rowbottom Copyright (c) 2020 University of the Western Cape 6 2 No Space Left Between https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1020 Aisha Rowbottom Copyright (c) 2020 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Alone https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1021 Celine Solomons Copyright (c) 2020 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Fear https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1022 Celine Solomons Copyright (c) 2020 University of the Western Cape 6 2 The New Normal https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1023 Tayyibah Tahier Copyright (c) 2020 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Contents https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/998 Martina van Heerden Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Shelves of Books, Piles of Books, References and Lists of Books as Performances of Metrics and Expertise https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1003 <p>Since the pandemic, I have participated in or attended many virtual lectures and conferences. Inevitably, I have seen numerous personal libraries, libraries in offices, or walls of books strategically peeking from behind the speaker. Academics, in particular, have spectacular bookshelves. The shelves are overflowing with books, enough to make the bookcases abundant and full, but organized enough so their spines reveal evidence of the title and the author’s name. And the collection of each speaker is a reflection of their research area. An author and professor in a literature department has rows of fiction. Someone who studies food has cookbooks in addition to their stacks of scholars’ monographs published by university presses. A scholar in a field like science and technology studies (STS) will have books with words such as “data”, “the Internet”, “political economy”, and “digital” in their titles.</p> Anna Nguyen Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Vol 6 No 2 (2020): WritingThreeSixty - Lockdown Special Issue https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/996 Martina van Heerden Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Editorial Board https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1001 <p>Martina van Heerden - Editor in Chief</p> <p>Stephanie Williams - Content Manager and Social Media Wiz</p> Martina van Heerden Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Call for papers https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/999 Martina van Heerden Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2 Birdwatching https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/w360/article/view/1004 <p>It is raining when William wakes up, and he spends the first moment of his day thinking about his mother, while watching Cape robin-chats hop around the wet grass trying to pull worms out from the soil. He has always liked birds. They seem so detached from the world, witnessing life from high above, tied to nothing. Deep down, he knows this is just an illusion, a romantic idea that creatures with wings are somehow free. He knows birds are constrained by the same physical limitations that affect all living things on earth. Like him, they are hopelessly attached to many things.</p> Mia Uys Copyright (c) 2021 University of the Western Cape 6 2