of Entrepreneurial Innovations2023-09-14T13:54:38+00:00Lucky Journal Systems<p>We take great pleasure in welcoming you to our new journal, Journal of Entrepreneurial Innovations (JEI). Our aim in launching this developmental publication to generate knowledge, stimulate dialogue, critical debate, critique and collaboration among the national, regional and international space on entrepreneurship, management, creativity and innovation. The publication will be e-based to broaden its reach and inclusivity on the building of knowledge by scholars and practitioners.<br>The focus of the publication is to develop the capacity of emerging academic researchers and scholars and postgraduate students in the field of entrepreneurship and related subject areas. We welcome original research, theoretical contributions, critical commentaries, case studies, book reviews and work-in-progress. In line with our developmental, supportive and inclusive thrust we will offer guest edited special issues and journal series.</p> of Entrepreneurial Innovations2023-09-12T13:29:36+00:00Ntandoyenkosi (c) 2023 Entrepreneurial Education in Africa through Africanisation: A Review of the Igbo Apprenticeship System2023-09-13T06:41:24+00:00Evelyn I. S.<p>Despite having abundant natural resources, Africa has consistently experienced high rates of poverty and unemployment. Enormous efforts have been exerted to raise living standards by integrating entrepreneurial education into the curriculum of higher institutions. Tragically, these exertions have not yielded the desired dividends. The goal of this study is to examine and evaluate how Africans can develop an Africanised philosophical framework on which their identity and worldview can be incorporated into an entrepreneurial curriculum that has been appropriated from Western nations. The conceptual research review approach was used to achieve the research objective. The findings from the review of extant literature show a paucity of empirical studies on the Africanisation of entrepreneurship education curriculum; the Igbo Apprenticeship system; a misfit between the present academic curriculum and Africa’s identity; and how the Igbo Apprenticeship System (IAS) has influenced economic, social, and environmental development in Nigeria’s Eastern region. Resulting from the failure of the present entrepreneurial education to provide the desired outcome on the continent, this study, therefore, proposed a framework that will ensure the infusion of the IAS model into the curriculum of institutions of learning in Nigeria.</p>2023-09-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 of Mother Tongue and Gender as Determinants of Students’ Attitudes Towards Entrepreneurship Education2023-09-13T06:59:01+00:00Kelechi Chinemerem Onyeatoelu Nkonyeasua Kelechi Nnabugwu Francisca Kenechukwu<p>The study investigated the use of mother tongue and gender as determinants of students' attitudes towards entrepreneurship education (EE) in higher education institutions (HEIs) using the Faculty of Education, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria as a case study. The objective was to determine the relationship between the use of the mother tongue, gender, and students' attitude toward entrepreneurship education. Two hypotheses were formulated to serve as a guide to the study. Three hundred (300) Alex Ekwueme Federal University students were randomly selected for the study. A questionnaire titled ‘“Use of mother tongue scale and students’ attitude towards entrepreneurship education”’ questionnaire was administered and used for data collection. The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression tested at a 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that the criterion variable (students' attitude towards entrepreneurship education correlated positively and low towards the use of the mother tongue. Also, gender was not a determinant factor in both students' attitudes towards entrepreneurship educationand the use of the mother tongue. The results also showed that only students with knowledge of the use of the mother tongue with the regressional coefficient (b) of .258, and a beta weight of .592 significantly have a good attitude towards entrepreneurship education, while gender was not a significant factor in predicting students’ attitude towards entrepreneurship education. Based on these findings, some recommendations were made which include, but are not limited to, that students should be encouraged to be knowledgeable on the use of their mother tongue, understand, speak, and use their mother tongue, irrespective of gender. The university should encourage the use of the mother tongue in entrepreneurship education.</p>2023-09-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 and Enterprise Development in Nigerian Universities: Moving beyond vocational skills teaching2023-09-13T07:09:29+00:00Agbi Babatunde<p>Entrepreneurship and enterprise development in Nigerian universities have been on the increase considering their potential to create jobs and reduce the rise of unemployment. This approach that universities have embraced is largely focused on the teaching of vocational skills which has a thin impact on reducing graduate unemployment and meeting the strategic objective of repositioning the universities. The focus of this study is to examine whether entrepreneurial and enterprise teaching in Nigerian universities is slanted toward the acquisition of vocational skills. The study adopts the theory of Planned Behaviour and Kolb experiential learning theory to explain the concepts of entrepreneurship and enterprise development in stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit. The study adopts a descriptive research design and data was collected using a structured questionnaire that was administered physically and online to elicit information from respondents. The sample size for the study is 300 students that were randomly selected from 10 universities made up of 5 public and 5 private universities in South West Nigeria. Data collected were analysed using regression analysis. Findings revealed that the current practice of teaching vocational skills is not effective as shown by the perennial increase in graduate unemployment. The study recommends the teaching of entrepreneurship and enterprise development anchored on value addition, opportunity, and wealth creation with a view to repositioning university graduates for the 21st century’s challenges and opportunities.</p>2023-09-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Entrepreneurship Education (EE) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria2023-09-13T07:41:11+00:00Kelechi Chinemerem Genevieve Onyeatoelu Nkonyeasua Kelechi Annastasia<p>Entrepreneurship education (EE) has been viewed as a crucial tool for a country's economic growth. Every country in the world attempts to develop and strengthen its economy by considering all available options. Nations are attempting to or have already implemented the teaching and learning of EE in schools in response to the discovery of EE as a tool for economic development. In higher education institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria, entrepreneurial education has been offered as a field of study, discipline, or area of expertise. Researchers currently criticise the way EE is learned at colleges and universities for a variety of reasons, such as the use of generalist teachers, the dearth of adequate teaching materials, the inadequate financing of EE programmes, the low rate of graduates choosing entrepreneurship as a career, and more. Additionally, higher education students in Nigeria have not received appropriate orientation towards the value of EE for their present, future, families, and general well-being. Additionally, it has been noted that the context-free methodology used in Nigeria's colleges and universities to teach EE makes it challenging for students to comprehend. The scope of this paper is mainly on pedagogy and not necessarily on policy. Therefore, this paper examines a definition of EE that is focused on Nigeria, the objectives of EE with a focus on its learning and teaching in HEIs, the environment for EE teaching and learning in HEIs, how EE teaching and learning can be improved, and EE teaching and learning. Some suggestions and recommendations are equally flagged.</p>2023-09-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 the influence of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intention: A gender-focused analysis of intentions among undergraduate students2023-09-13T07:56:45+00:00Egena Blessing<p>Background: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the impact of entrepreneurship education (EE) on entrepreneurial intentions (EI) among undergraduate students, as EI is a critical precursor to actual entrepreneurial behaviour. However, there is limited research that specifically explores the influence of EE on EI with a focus on gender differences, especially in developing countries.Purpose: This study investigates the influence of EE on undergraduate students’ EI, with a focus on the cognitive, behavioural, and affective components of EE. Additionally, the study explores how perceived competence of entrepreneurship lecturers, adequacy of facilities and equipment, and perceived adequacy of instructional materials and curriculum content influence students' EI. Furthermore, the study examines whether the effect of these factors varies among male and female undergraduate students.Methodology: The researchers collected data from undergraduate students over a three-year period via a self-reported online questionnaire. Hierarchical regression analysis was used for data analysis using SPSS version 24. Findings: The findings reveal a positive relationship between students’ EE and EI. The results further indicate that while cognitive attitudes do not influence EI, behavioural and affective attitudes do. Moreover, the study highlights that the influence of EE on EI differs among male and female students. Implications and conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the teaching and delivery of EE in higher education institutions (HEIs), emphasising the importance of instructional methods, materials, facilities, and equipment in shaping EI in developing countries.<br /><br /><br /></p>2023-09-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 of Contents2023-09-12T14:00:43+00:00Ntandoyenkosi (c) 2023 Gervase (c) 2023