Journal of Entrepreneurial Innovations: Announcements <p>We take great pleasure in welcoming you to our new journal, Journal of Entrepreneurial Innovations (JEI). Our aim in launching this developmental publication to generate knowledge, stimulate dialogue, critical debate, critique and collaboration among the national, regional and international space on entrepreneurship, management, creativity and innovation. The publication will be e-based to broaden its reach and inclusivity on the building of knowledge by scholars and practitioners.<br>The focus of the publication is to develop the capacity of emerging academic researchers and scholars and postgraduate students in the field of entrepreneurship and related subject areas. We welcome original research, theoretical contributions, critical commentaries, case studies, book reviews and work-in-progress. In line with our developmental, supportive and inclusive thrust we will offer guest edited special issues and journal series.</p> en-US Wed, 13 Dec 2023 09:48:58 +0000 OJS 60